
Ways you can help

Clicking the Paypal button below and making a tax-deductible donation:

Or you can also choose to donate through Network for Good to support us:




Shop Our Chewy Wishlist

Rescued Dog

If you purchase items from Rescued Dog and designate us, we receive a 100% donation back!  Be inspired by Grayce's story and save a life!  Hit the button to:



Amazon Wish List

Shop our curated Amazon Wish List for our rescue pooches



Kuranda Dog Beds Wish List

Consider donating a wonderful Kuranda Dog Bed to a foster dog.  You can purchase these beds at a reduced price and have shipped directly to our foster program for our rescue pups.







Do you love dogs?  Stories of hope and survival?  We have extra copies of "Nothing Ventured" for sale by author Pamela Lovato with a limited amount of autographed copies.  $12 plus shipping for autographed, $10 plus shipping for non autographed.  PayPal only or email us if paying by check, (please specify autographed or non-autographed in notes)link below.  100% of the book sales will go straight back to our rescue dogs, thank you so much for the support!